While I have not worked within a school library, I have worked in a public library for over seven years. While my title is “Library Officer”, my most recent role within the library was as an “Event Coordinator”. I can assure you that I did much more than checking out books! Sure, I was assigned my regular two- three hours of circulation desk each day, but the remainder of the day was not spent twiddling my thumbs. I spent my time, when not chained to the circ desk checking out books, planning, preparing and presenting various library programs; networking with local agencies; delivering community outreach visits designed to promote the library and its services; setting up library displays and engaging with customers.
Plus a whole lot more!
I get a little nervous when I consider the numerous and varied tasks I carry out within a public library, with the support of four to six other staff members. How will I manage to do all this as a TL, with 300+ students thrown in the mix, and often limited support in the way of extra staff? Scary thought.
Purcell discusses the benefits of the TL conducting a time study. A time study will allow the TL to identify and assess the various tasks and roles they carry out, reflecting on the value of these tasks, allowing prioritization of tasks and ultimately utilizing one’s time much more efficiently and effectively.
Purcell identifies five roles for the TL; Leader, Program Administrator, Instructional Partner, Information Specialist, and Teacher. Purcell offers a clear to understand view of these roles, addressing many vital aspects, such as collaboration.
Purcell identifies the when, why and how a TL may collaborate with the wider school community, highlighting the value of collaboration. Collaboration is a key ingredient for any successful TL. Collaboration provides opportunities and allows the TL to promote and advocate for the library and the profession, integrate the library’s vision with that of the school, share knowledge, skills and expertise and maintain a good knowledge of activities happening within the school community.
The Library Lady
Purcell, M. (2010). All librarians do is check out books right? A look at the roles of the school library media specialist. Library Media Connection 29(3), 30-33
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